Plantage Muidergracht 12, 1018 TV Amsterdam, Netherlands

Certification Details

Certified Product Manager

Scope of Assessment

  • Developing detailed case studies
  • Crafting business plans tailored to each major function
  • Conducting market planning
  • Performing competitive analysis
  • Creating project plans for each major activity
  • Defining product specifications
  • Designing product launch plans
  • Applying product life cycle project modeling
  • Implementing phase-gate process modeling
  • Utilizing product/market data modeling


  • Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in product design or engineering.
  • Adequate exposure to software development.
  • Previous working experience as a product developer in a non-managerial role.
  • Digital marketing knowledge
  • Level
  • Duration
    4 Hrs
  • Category
    Project Management
  • Certificate