Before the Covid-19 pandemic, working from home was not as rampant as it is today. Working from home is one of the best things that has ever happened to people in the last 3-4 years. Working from home has challenges too but the advantages outdo them. Remote working means working from anywhere worldwide apart from the conventional office where all employees report. To remain competitive in telecommuting, you must keep learning and enhancing your professional muscle at every chance you get. Depending on your career path, here are some of the best certifications for remote jobs; 1. Certified Data scientist…
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To stand out from the rest in the corporate world, you must go the extra mile and do something different. Up-skilling and re-skilling are some of the ways you can stand out and get better opportunities. Almost everybody has an MBA, this or that Master's degree. What will make you stand out from everyone else? A professional certification will!  Depending on your profession, you can enroll for some of these top certifications in demand today that will set you apart from the rest. Luckily you do not have to leave work in a hurry in the evening to attend a…
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It simply is not a one-career-per-lifetime world anymore. People change jobs on a routine basis and may even jump careers. It is not unimaginable to move from real estate to the nursing profession or from a vet tech occupation to elementary school teaching. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) even shows that people change jobs on a consistent basis. A BLS study revealed Baby Boomers had an average 11.7 jobs over a 30-year period. In other words, they changed jobs about every 2.5 years. Interestingly, both men and women switched jobs on a fairly equal basis, suggesting…
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2022, Become a certified professional or risk being professionally obsolete!

2022, Become a certified professional or risk being professionally obsolete!

Advancements in technology have paved way for nearly the future operations of all industries globally. We all are surrounded by an empowered population on this technical planet. Technology has reached up high in the market and so is the increase in demand for IT professionals. Several specialized fields are available under which different instigation and learning are required. Thus, for this process, various technical certification courses have been introduced that are acceptable. A higher approach is demanded in every field where the professional must consume technical skills coherently. If we look at the upcoming technological development, we need to first…
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Certificate Versus Certification …….

Certificate Versus Certification …….

In some industries, education and work experience may not be the only requirements for job seekers. Some employers may expect their staff to have earned professional certifications, but certain certifications may require a significant investment of time studying, as well as the cost to take the exams. Are certifications worth it? The answer is yes for many types of careers. In this article, we explore what professional certifications are, how valuable they can be, and when it makes sense to pursue them. What is Considered a Professional Certification? A professional certification is a credential that verifies someone’s knowledge, skills and abilities…
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The Rise of Skill-Based Hiring and Talent Development

The Rise of Skill-Based Hiring and Talent Development

With the global economy experiencing massive change, upskilling and reskilling have taken on a renewed sense of urgency. Success through these transitions requires major shifts in thinking about how hiring and employee development are done. The economic toll of the Covid-19 pandemic is expected to leave more than 140 million people out of work and another 1.6 billion at risk of income loss. Unfortunately, many of the jobs lost simply won’t return. At the same time, certain companies and industries like logistics and manufacturing can’t hire fast enough. Shifting to a skills-focused approach is a viable solution to an evolving workforce dilemma. Workers often…
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Development of Employee Career Paths and Ladders

Development of Employee Career Paths and Ladders

Career paths and career ladders are two traditional methods by which an employee can develop and progress within an organization. Career ladders are the progression of jobs in an organization's specific occupational fields ranked from highest to lowest based on level of responsibility and pay. Career paths encompass varied forms of career progression, including the traditional vertical career ladders, dual career ladders, horizontal career lattices, career progression outside the organization and encore careers. Employees are generally more engaged when they believe that their employer is concerned about their growth and provides avenues to reach individual career goals while fulfilling the company's mission. A career…
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Training Needs Assessment

Training Needs Assessment

A training needs assessment (TNA) is an assessment process that organizations use to determine performance requirements and the knowledge, abilities and skills that their employees need to achieve the requirements. There are three key areas that are considered accurate assessors of those needs: Skill proficiency of employeesEmployees' frequency of skill usageLevel of employees' skills crucial to job performance One of the outputs of the training needs assessment is a list of who needs what kind of training. For instance, your company may find that the IT department is failing to keep up with the industry standards and needs to undergo…
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The Evolution of Work

The Evolution of Work

Many of us have known the world before the Internet, iPhones, robots, and self-driving cars. 20 years ago there were no smartphones, e-readers, and many other gadgets that we use every day. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram were unknown to the world, as well. However, our lives have changed dramatically over the last twenty years. So did the job market. Over the last two decades, the modern economy has changed rapidly. It happened due to significant advances in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, machine learning, as well as robotics. Modern technology has made our world convenient. Yet, it has made it more demanding as well. Continuous learning…
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Professional Certification

Professional Certification

Professional Certification, After Graduation Certification, Professional Designation or Trade Certification (often called simply certification or qualification) is a standardized certification that enables an individual to prove some degree of competency in a particular job function or career. Upon completion of certification requirements, which typically entail passing an exam administered by an industry specific credentialing organization, a certificate credential awarded. The National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA) current sets quality standards for credentialing. Types of Certification In Generally, there are three kinds of professional certification including corporate (internal), product-specific and profession-wide. Corporate or internal certifications are company specialized and are designed…
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